Partials and Full Dentures in Boynton Beach, FL
If you’re like many patients and have lost many or all of your teeth and are looking for the fastest and most efficient way to replace your missing teeth without a lot of headaches and dental work, then you have a couple of options from your dentist near you. At Hugh B Rosenblatt, DMD, PA in Boynton Beach, FL, we offer partials and full dentures as one of the more popular options for tooth replacement. A set of dentures is a great replacement for some people, but before you decide, come to Boynton Beach, FL and talk with our dentist at Hugh B Rosenblatt, DMD, PA about whether dentures fit you.
Why Should I Choose a Partial or Full Denture Over Other Options?
Patients looking for a tooth restoration option have two different sets of concerns. Depending on which category you fall into, you will either want to choose dentures or a different option.
Some patients want a restoration option that feels as close to natural teeth as possible and is as low maintenance as possible. In this case, these patients would likely complain about dentures because getting a perfect fit can be difficult, and the lifespan of dentures is less than that of other options. However, options that require less maintenance are generally more expensive and require more work to install.
The second group of patients wants the easiest and most efficient means of restoring their missing teeth. These patients want to avoid coming back and forth to the dentist for their restoration and want to have it completed. If cost is a factor, this is another reason that they will choose a partial or full denture as well.
Dentures are a fantastic option if you’re the type of patient who wants to replace your smile as quickly and inexpensively as possible. You can get a full mouth of dentures for a fraction of the cost of implants in much less time.